The chuck a duck event will be held on Saturday, May 18 at 12:00 P.M. The cost of each duck is $5.00. The money raised will be put into a 50/50 contest. The winner of this event will receive 50% of the total money raised and the remaining 50% will go to the Mount Ogden Kennel Club Junior Handler Scholarship Fund.

May 17 & 18
9 am 4 pm
Cost: $45 payable by cash/check
Dr Amy Knollinger DVM DACVO
To schedule contact Karen Park
Walk ins welcome

Armed Forces Day

Mount Ogden Kennel Club would like to invite everyone to celebrate Armed Forces Day on Saturday, May 18. To honor our armed forces personnel and veterans we ask that everyone wears red, white, and blue.

Catered Lunch
Mount Ogden Kennel Club would like to invite all our exhibitors to on Saturday, May 18 to a catered lunch by Iron Gate Grill thanks to a special friend and supporter of MOKC. This lunch will be on the grounds to everyone attending the show.
Best of the Best Junior

On Sunday, May 18 during lunch, we will be holding our annual Best of the best junior competition. If your junior wins Best Junior at any of the specialties affiliated with the MOKC show or wins Best Junior at any of the all breed MOKC shows they will receive a ticket to enter the Best of the best junior competition. This competition will be judged by 3 individuals and the junior that wins will receive the $500.00 Hathaway scholarship offered by Mount Ogden Kennel Club. This scholarship must be used within 5 years of graduation of high school or the funds revert back to the Mount Ogden Kennel Club account. The scholarship may be used at the entry of college, trade school, or specialty school.
4-6 Month Puppy
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Entries will close Wednesday Noon, May 1, 2024 at Superintendent’s office.
One combined class will be offered for breeds and varieties of dogs that are (4) four months & under (6) six months and divided into Groups as described in Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows and the Miscellaneous Class breeds as listed in Chapter 3, Section 23. there will be a selection of Best 4 & Under 6 Months puppy in each Breed/ Variety, each Best 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in Breed/Variety winner will then compete in their respective group for First through Fourth Placements. The Miscellaneous Class Competition will be judged same as above followed by a Miscellaneous 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Group Competition. The Foundation Stock Service Class Competition will be judged same as above, followed by a FSS 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Group Competition. All First Place Group Winners will be eligible to compete in Best 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in Show.
An AKC registration number or AKC litter number will be required for entries of an AKC recognized breed or Miscellaneous breed. FSS number or FSS registered litter number will be required for FSS entries.
A foreign-born dog may enter this class if they are registered in the country of origin.
Dogs are required to be vaccinated (including rabies) in accordance with their veterinarian’s protocol in order to avoid inadvertent transmission of illness by/to puppies not yet fully immunized. Dogs that are owned or co-owned by a professional handler may compete in this class, but must be handled by a non-professional handler. Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay within the last five years. Dogs may not be exhibited by current assistants or household members of a professional handler. A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis, or, assisting a professional handler at the show or any show during the cluster/weekend. Minors (under 18) with amateur status who reside with professional handlers and current assistants to professional handlers that are eligible to compete in Junior Showmanship (meet age and amateur status requirements)
may personally exhibit dogs in the Four-to-Six Month (Beginner Puppy) Competition.
AKC Rules in Dealing with Misconduct will be applicable to any person and dog entered at this competition. All applicable rules found in Rules Applying to Dog Shows will govern the conduct of this competition unless these regulations state otherwise. Exhibitors should plan on opening the mouth of their puppy for the judges. Breed standard disqualifications such as
Pee Wee Attraction
Pee Wee Special Attraction Saturday at noon Ages 5-9.
Entry fee is $5.
-Entry forms will be available at the show. Entries will be taken up until an hour before the event.
-A dog must be at least four months of age to enter the Pee Wee class.-Bitches in season will not be allowed to participate. If pre-entered, a dog may be substituted that meets the eligibility requirements as specified by the club.
-All dogs entered must have the proper lead and collar.
-A responsible adult must be present with the child both inside and outside the ring. The adult is to maintain control of the dog outside of the ring.
-At a Group or Specialty Club Show the dogs must be of the breed(s) eligible for the event.
-At an All-Breed event, all AKC fully recognized and Miscellaneous Class breeds must be allowed to enter, including dogs with a PAL listing.
-At an All-Breed event, it is up to the host club to decide if FSS breeds not in the Miscellaneous Class and All-American dogs are allowed to enter.
-It is up to the host club to decide if a dog must be registered to participate.
-How entries will be accepted is up to the host club. In addition to an entry, a release must be signed by the child’s parent or legal guardian